About Us

Who We are

The Long Distance Drivers and Conductors Association(LoDDCA) leads collective action of all drivers and conductors on every front within and without the transport sector through its membership base and convening power.

Registered in 2019, LoDDCA was established legally under the societies act as a non-profit association seeking to amplify member voices, Improve welfare and promoting effective representation. This was the culmination of years of struggle for the founding members who were drivers with no avenue of recourse. Finally leveraging on social media to organise, the conversation morphed into formalisation of the association to realise systemic and structural change.

Our Vision

Empowered crew safely and efficiently transport people and cargo.

Our Mission

To amplify member voices. Improve welfare and promoting effective representation.

Our Principles

We intervene for all our PEOPLE, amplify their voices through DIALOGUE in decision making spaces to realise their holistic PROGRESS.

Our Values
Rights based

We recognise the inherent human rights of all our members and beneficiaries. We pledge to champion not all the labour rights but all human rights of our members and beneficiaries in every programme or initiative.


We expect high ethical standards from ourselves, members and partners. We strive to articulate these expectations ate every stage of engagement.


We commit to represent all diverse members in the sector. We promote the involvement and meaningful participation of women, youth, persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups.

Evidence led

We are a data centric organisation.We strive to seek new evidences and scale up evidence based interventions from other sectors in reimagining the transport sector.